Meet Aurora
Cougar (Puma concolor)
Native Habitat: Extensive Geographical Ranges in the Western Hemisphere
Average Height: 2- 2.5 feet
Average Weight: 115-160 lbs. (males), 75-105 lbs. (females)
Wild Diet: Meat (beef, chicken, venison and some beaver/small amounts of pork)
Fun Fact: Cougars are known by many names including: puma, mountain lions, ghost cat, and panthers
Aurora was born on July 21, 2017 and came to make her home with us from Wildwood Zoo soon after. She quickly became a staff and visitor favorite through her infectious personality and has an unmatched love for all enrichment. Her favorites include cardboard boxes filled with meat, camel hair, sheep wool or llama fiber, generously donated Christmas trees, her boomer ball, and anything else that has been papermached that she can tear down.
While they may be large cats, cougars are classified as one of the largest in the “small cat” category. They are one of the “purring” cats which also includes bobcats, ocelots, and lynx meaning that they are capable of purring, but not roaring. These cats vibrate their larynx, which in turn resonates the hyoid bones. These agile cats are capable of jumping 30 feet in distance, 18 ft in height, and reach 50 mph at sprint.