Meet Balto and Beauty
Grey Wolves
(Canis Lupus)
Native Habitat: Due to habitat loss and human conflict, wolves now inhabit 2/3 of their former range worldwide. Their distribution is currently restricted to forests and open tundra of North America
Average Height: 4.5-6.5 feet
Average Weight: 65-175 lbs (Males) 50-120 lbs (Females)
Wild Diet: Meat (beef, chicken, beaver, pork, venison and bones.
Fun Fact: Wolves are the largest canine and are the most social of all carnivores.
About Balto and Beauty: Balto was born on April 1, 2017 and came to the zoo in May of 2017 from a facility in Minnesota. Beauty was born on March 26, 2019 and made the zoo her home in May of that same year. The two were introduced to the same living space that fall and became the best of friends right from the start.
Wolves were once the most widely distributed, wild terrestrial mammal. Due to habitat loss and human conflict, wolves now inhabit 2/3 of their former range worldwide. Most recently, their distribution has been restricted to the forests and open tundra of North America- primarily Alaska, Canada and the northern United States.